Our Center

Who we are:

Haifa Center on the Politics of Inequality is a center that deals with the exposure of dimensions of socioeconomic inequality in its numerous manifestations using both historical and contemporary evidence. The center aims to explore the effects of socioeconomic policy on the expansion of inequality in Israel and the possibilities of reducing it. The center’s core understanding is that social-economic policy is man-made, and is a powerful political tool for designing, expansion and reduction of inequality in society.

The research/academic activity of the center will rely on the synergy that the center aims to establish among the many academic staff at the university who are engaged in the exploration of inequality and who teach courses on the topic. The center has three main goals:

1. Become a qualified national source for information and knowledge about inequality in Israel, which will be available—in various ways and in accordance with institutional restrictions—to the general public, the university’s research community, other universities, and policymakers.
2. Become a significant actor in studying inequality in the international research community. It should be noted that the research activity currently carried out at the university on inequality, in its broad definition, is scattered over a number of leading academic units in the field and is in accordance with most of the UN’s goals for sustainable development (SDG). With the help of our center, the research activities of the University of Haifa in these areas will be consolidated and empowered, which will push the university closer to the top of the institutions that incorporate academic excellence with social sustainability.
3. Attract outstanding students, social activists, and researchers at the beginning of their careers in the field of inequality and provide them with guidance and assistance.